1. Articles & Publications

EV mobility data in the AMA

Mobility; Parking capacity; Electricity demand; GIS; Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

Data article, developed with Bardia Mashhoodi for Data in Brief journal in the context of the EVA research project.

Abstract: The dataset combines and aggregate five data types of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area in a polygon GIS shapefile with 79 three-digit postcode areas, and a csv file, including the outcome of an origin-destination analysis. The dataset area includes 1661 residential zones (“wijken”, in the terminology used by the Dutch Central Bureau for Statistics) of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (AMA), and the data aggregated was originally generated between 2017 and 2019. The first dataset, in format of GIS shapefile, contains data on mobility, parking capacity, electricity demand, census data and cadaster data. The second dataset, csv format, includes the outcomes of an origin-destination analysis between the 79 three-digit postcodes areas in AMA. The two datasets provide the basis for analysis and adaptation of electric mobility in AMA.

Access to the full article in: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2022.108270