1. Other

Limapolis 2016: The city of the slopes

International workshop on social housing developed at the PUCP university in Lima. The workshop had three parts, including a series of conferences and presentations by experts, a seminar on social housing policy, and a design studio, in which students, guided by experts, developed design proposal for specific areas in the Ate neighborhood in Lima.

The international workshop was co-hosted by PUCP University and the Municipality of Ate and led by the research group Conurb. As part of this group I coordinated the organisation of the event together with Luis Rodríguez Rivero, Gabriella Huanay and Jitka Molnarova.

Each student group was assigned a different area in the Ate neighborhood and they developed a social housing spatial proposal.

All the workshop’s results, together with reflections and articles by the experts invited, were consolidated in the publication Limápolis 2016 La ciudad de las laderas.

All conferences and key notes, the social housing policy seminar, and students’ final presentations were recorded.