1. Articles & Publications

Programas de mejoramiento de barrios en América Latina: Límites y posibilidades

Slum upgrading programs; urban renewal; Latin America; Medellín; Rio de Janeiro

Article co-authored with David Labarthe, published in the book Otro urbanismo para Lima: Más allá del mejoramiento de barrios, Molnarova, Rodríguez Rivero, Espinoza & Fort Meyer. (eds.) PUCP, UCSUR, GRADE, Lima


Barriadas, favelas, villas miseria or comunas are found in the main Latin American cities. These neighbourhoods were self-developed and very often stirred by processes of rapid population increase and rural-urban migration. Slum upgrading programs have been widely implemented since 1990 to integrate and claim these self-developed areas as a part of their cities. This article studies three of these programs (Favela-Bairro in Brazil, Medellín PUIs in Colombia and Barrio Mío in Peru), providing a historical context and state of the art that allows a contextualised and comparative understanding of the Urban Integral Projects (PUI) of the BarrioMío program in the following articles of the book.